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The federal statute providing compensation for people's exposure to nuclear testing

Radiation Exposure Compensation Act 

The federal statute providing compensation for people's exposure to nuclear testing

In 1990, Congress passed the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA), granting reparations for those affected by mining, with amendments passed in 2000 to address criticisms of the original act.

Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA)

The United States Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) is a federal statute providing for the monetary compensation of people, which include atomic veterans, who contracted cancer and a number of other specified diseases as a direct result of their exposure to atmospheric nuclear testing undertaken by the United States during the Cold War, or their exposure to high levels of radon while doing uranium mining. The 1990 act provided the following remunerations:

  • $50,000 to individuals residing or working "downwind" of the Nevada Test Site
  • $75,000 for workers participating in atmospheric nuclear weapons tests
  • $100,000 for uranium miners, millers, and ore transporters

Additional requirements must be satisfied in all cases like proof of exposure, establishment of the duration of employment, establishment of certain medical conditions, etc.

For more information visit www.justice.gov/civil/common/reca 

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