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Law, Economics & Data Science [AI]

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Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

The Opportunity Cost Dilemma: Everyday Decisions and their Hidden Trade-offs

The Opportunity Cost Dilemma: Everyday Decisions and their hidden trade-offs

In the tapestry of decision-making, the concept of opportunity cost weaves a thread of great importance. This fundamental economic principle underscores the trade-offs inherent in every choice we make, often guiding our actions more than we realise, but do you know how the concept of opportunity cost shapes our daily decisions?

The economics concept

Opportunity cost is the notion that when we choose one option over another, we're sacrificing the potential benefits of the forsaken alternative. It's like being at a buffet, where choosing to indulge in a sumptuous dessert means missing out on savouring another delectable dish.

Econ x All : A Layperson's Guide to Supply and Demand

Econ x All: A Layperson's Guide to Supply and Demand

Economics, often seen as an intricate web of theories and models, is rooted in a few fundamental principles that shape our everyday choices. Among these principles, the relationship between supply and demand is a cornerstone that orchestrates the ebb and flow of markets. In this article, we'll unravel the essence of supply and demand with relatable examples from our daily lives.

Understanding the Building Blocks: Supply and Demand

At its heart, supply and demand encapsulate the dynamics between what is available (supply) and what people desire (demand) in any given market. This interaction dictates the equilibrium price and quantity of a product or service.

Navigating Privacy and Data Protection in the Digital Era

Navigating Privacy and Data Protection in the Digital Era

In an era dominated by digital interactions and interconnectedness, the concept of privacy has taken on newfound urgency. The convergence of technology and information has presented both opportunities and challenges, prompting individuals to reevaluate their approach to safeguarding personal data. This article delves into the profound significance of privacy in the digital age, explores pertinent legal dimensions, and offers practical strategies to protect sensitive information.

Demystifying Intellectual Property Law for Creatives


Demystifying Intellectual Property Law for Creatives

In the vibrant realm of creativity and innovation, safeguarding one's intellectual creations holds immense significance. Yet, for many creative minds, the intricacies of intellectual property (IP) law can be a formidable barrier to understanding. This article aims to untangle the essential aspects of intellectual property law, offering valuable insights to artists and creators.

Understanding the Basics of Contract Law for Non-Lawyers


Understanding the Basics of Contract Law for Non-Lawyers

Contracts play a pivotal role in our daily lives, influencing agreements ranging from business transactions to personal services. Despite their significance, the intricacies of contract law can often appear daunting, particularly for individuals without a legal background. This article aims to demystify the fundamental concepts of contract law, specifically focusing on UK contract law, in a manner that's accessible to non-lawyers.

What is a Contract?

Digital or Print Books? Which one is more Effective for Learning?

Digital or Print Books? 

Which method is more effective for learning? 

Whether you're an avid reader or just try to cope with academic assignments, chances are you already tried both reading methods. 

What does the research say? 

Musicians have faster reaction times than non-musicians according to science

Musicians have faster reaction times than non-musicians according to science

Could learning to play a musical instrument help the elderly react faster and stay alert?

Quite likely, according to a new study by Université de Montréal’s School of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, part of UdeM’s medical faculty.

Female genital mutilation is banned in Egypt but women are still dying

Despite female genital mutilation (FGM) being banned in Egypt since 2007, the brutal practice is still widespread in the country and especially in rural areas. A 17-year-old girl died undergoing illegal female genital mutilation surgery in the country.

  • Mayar Mohamed Mousa, 17, died while under full anaesthesia in hospital
  • The death happened in the province of Suez, area's health ministry revealed
  • Prosecutors are investigating the death, which happened at a private hospital 

Euthanasia in California: The End of Life Option Act

Euthanasia in California: The End of Life Option Act

In 2015, California passed Assembly Bill No. 15, also known as the End of Life Option Act.  This law allows terminally ill adults to request a prescription for a drug that can be self-administered to bring about their own death. The law was enacted to provide individuals with a terminal disease the option to end their suffering in a humane and dignified manner. It establishes procedures and safeguards to ensure the decision is voluntary and informed. The law also includes provisions to protect the rights and privacy of individuals involved. 

This is a summary of the most relevant parts of the End of Life Option Act, outlining the key aspects of this legislation:

The Oldest Person Ever to be Convicted of Mass Murder

The oldest person ever to be convicted of mass murder

In these past few days we have been writing about famous criminal law cases and their statistics, we've made a little research on this subject so the data could be incorporated into the new articles we are publishing in our printed magazine.

So if you ever wondered who was the oldest person ever to be convicted of mass murder, we may have found your answer.

According to our research, the first place would correspond to a German man called Oskar Gröning. Yes, you guessed, it was indeed during the events that occurred in WWII.

Art Crime: The Case of the Stolen Stradivarius

Art Crime: The Case of the Stolen Stradivarius

01/23/15 Via FBI

When a 300-year-old Stradivarius violin valued at more than $5 million was stolen from Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra concertmaster Frank Almond last year, investigators initially believed the theft may have been the work of sophisticated art thieves. The truth turned out to be much less glamorous.

Still, the tale of the theft and recovery of this rare instrument goes down in the annals of the FBI’s Art Crime Team as a one-of-a-kind case.

The federal statute providing compensation for people's exposure to nuclear testing

Radiation Exposure Compensation Act 

The federal statute providing compensation for people's exposure to nuclear testing

In 1990, Congress passed the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA), granting reparations for those affected by mining, with amendments passed in 2000 to address criticisms of the original act.

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